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Lo que parecía ser un día cualquiera en casa de la familia Poggi resultó ser un día extraordinario. Un amigo le trajo una sorpresa que era.....un guacamayo herido que necesitaba cuidado.! Golpe de Suerte esta inspirado en la relación entre Pancho el guacamayo y Victor un inmigrante Italiano.  La amistad qua nació entre ambos transformó los cielos de la ciudad de Caracas al punto de ser conocida hoy como “la ciudad de las guacamayas.”


What seemed to be a normal day at the Poggi household was about to become an extraordinary one. A friend brought a surprise that was no other than.....a macaw who had been hurt and needed to be healed. Stroke of luck is based on the relationship between Pancho, as the macaw was named and Victor an Italian immigrant. The friendship that began between them transformed the skies of Caracas to the point where it is known today as “the city of macaws”.

Golpe de suerte

SKU: 9789807905008
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