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El padre del Pippi, el viejo capitán Efraim, ha llegado a ver a su hija y comparte con ella una fiesta singular y divertida en la que los invitados son los habitantes del reino de Kurrekurredutos del que es rey. Pippi y su padre disfrutan midiendo su fuerza con retos en los que la pequeña pelirroja siempre resulta vencedora. Cuando el capitán vuelve a su barco con Pippi, ésta decide quedarse junto a Anikka y Tommy para vivir muchas otras aventuras que forman parte de este entrega de la saga de este entrañable personaje.


Pippi's father, the old captain Efraim, has come to see his daughter and shares with her a unique and fun party in which the guests are the inhabitants of the kingdom of Kurrekurredutos of which he is king. Pippi and her father enjoy testing their strength with challenges in which the little redhead always wins. When the captain returns to his ship with Pippi, she decides to stay with Anikka and Tommy to live many other adventures that are part of this installment of the saga of this endearing character.

Pippi Celebra una Fiesta

SKU: 9788417742379
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