En este homenaje a Hans Christian Andersen, vemos a la protagonista caer en un pozo vencida por la curiosidad de acercarse a casa de un vecino del cual se decían muchas cosas extraordinarias y oscuras. Llorando al fondo del pozo, una voz de ultratumba le presenta dos opciones; para sobrevivir deberá escuchar atentamente una serie de relatos y contestar una única pregunta que podría salvarle la vida. Ella descubrirá que el terror más grande emerge del lugar menos esperado.
In this tribute to Hans Christian Andersen, we see the protagonist fall into a well overcome by curiosity to approach a neighbor's house about which many extraordinary and dark things were said. Crying at the bottom of the well, a voice from beyond the grave presents her with two options; To survive, she must listen carefully to a series of stories and answer a single question that could save his life. She will discover that the greatest terror emerges from the least expected place.
La más densa tiniebla